Worried about hair loss at a very early age or even late in life? Well, don’t be anymore because hair restoration has now been made easy. The use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – a Product mad3e from a patient’s own blood, for hair industry by storm because it really works! PRP hair restoration is now making wonders happens.
The method makes growth factors isolated from your blood to re-stimulate the hair follicles, causing new hair follicle proliferation and promoting regrowth and improved hair quality thereby thereby resulting hair restoration.
Hair makes up a huge part of how we feel about ourselves, and how confident we feel when we present ourselves to the world. Thinning, patchy or balding hair can be a source of sadness, stress and even embarrassment, often making us feel less sexy and tired looking or aged. Concerns about hair loss effect men and women equally,
PRP Hair Restoration Hair Makes up a huge part of how we feel about ourselves, and how confident we feel when we present ourselves to the world
What should I expect when it comes to PRT hair restoration treatments?
When you come into our location we will start your PRP hair restoration treatment by drawing blood from your arm – typically one vile is enough.
The blood will then be processed in our PRP centrifuge that separates the blood into its many components – blood cells platelet rich plasma. Once this is completed the plasma is injected into the scalp manually in a fashion that garners superior results. When done correctly this procedure does not hurt and typically does not require numbing creams. It is best to avoid numbing creams when possible because they many reduce efficacy and also prevent the scalp from being cleaned completely before starting injection. The PRP hair treatment process can take anywhere from 30-90 minutes with the time of treatment and the cost of PRP hair restoration depending on the size of the treatment area.
Its key to remember that PRP hair restoration in a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment option that does not result in scarring or bleeding. You will be okay to leave our medical facility directly after you have gotten your PRP hair restoration treatment and are okay to drive yourself home. It is recommended that you come in for your PRP hair and scalp treatment at a time when you can return home after treatment, ads the PRP serum is left on the scalp and is not washed out until the following day.
Is Platelet Rich Plasma injections a new treatment?
PRP has been around for many decades and was initially used in addressing medical concerns that required cellular regeneration and wound healing. For this reason PRP is used frequently in the fields of plastic and re-constructive surgery, oral surgery, opthopaedics, and sports medicine to help with muscle and joint tears and strains. PRP is also now used for hair growth and re-stimulation because it is believed that the growth stimulating porpperties of the platelets and plasma caneffectively induce activity in hair follicles that were previously inavtive, thus boosting the bodies natural hair producing mechanism and making hair resporation possible without any significent risks.
How long does it take for PRP hair restoration to start working?
I recommend that patients do three PRP hair restoration treatments that are administered one month apart. Results from the treatments will usually show approximately 4-6 months after the first treatment was received. PRP restorative hair treatments should be used in conjunction with other hair “best practices” to ensure that results are great and sustained over that long trem. PRP hair treatment can combined with other hair treatments which can othen result in augmented results.